When it comes to selling retail, the question is no longer "if" but "when." That's certainly my impression from talking to BIOTONE customers coast to coast. Some spas are citing as much as 40 percent of their revenue now come from retail sales - that's a figure you can hardly ignore.
Retail offerings provide another stream of revenue to help offset any decline in client visits. But even more important, they serve to strengthen the bond with your clients. Every time one of your customers uses a product at home that you recommended, they will think about your outstanding service offering.
But successful retail sales involve more than just showcasing several products. Retail sales are prescriptive - your staff needs to listen and ask questions throughout the session. This way, they learn what kind of products customers will consider for their home use. A question can be as simple as "do you like the texture of the product," or "are you enjoying the fragrance?" Your client's particular skincare needs - extremely dry, for example - can easily open the door to a discussion about home care.
We developed our BIOTONE Spa Professional products with a complementary line of Spa For You offerings to extend your home treatments. Our sales team is always available to talk about the best ways to showcase and recommend the products. Give them a call.
Make retail a big part of your business, and your clients will keep coming back for more - literally.