man hydrating drinking from water bottle


Self-care is surging. In part, the self-care trend is being driven by rising costs of healthcare. In response, Americans are putting more effort into taking charge of their own physical and mental health and wellness aided by a vast amount of information on the Internet. Estimates put today’s self-care market at $450 billion, covering several Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) categories.[1]


Wellness and Water go Together

But even before you start perusing online or your local drugstore or pharmacy for wellness products, among them CBD for relief from anxiety as well as an aid for relaxation and overall wellbeing,[2] you’ll want to make sure water is on your list.  

No self-care regimen is complete without proper hydration. Water is essential for the body to survive. To properly work, every cell, tissue, and organ needs water and enough of it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), water helps your body in several ways: [3]

  • Keeps your temperature normal
  • Lubricates and cushions joints
  • Protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Aids in getting rid of wastes

Skin cells, like other cells in your body, also need water to function properly. In fact, the water in your skin serves as a protective barrier to prevent extra loss of fluid. When you are not sufficiently hydrated, your skin will appear dry and tight and may even flake.


How Much Water is Enough?

Every day we lose water through excretion, breathing, and perspiring. So, when you lose more water than you take in, you become dehydrated.  Even just being mildly dehydrated can lead to a headache and affect your focus and mood. Severe cases of dehydration even can lead to seizures.

Just how much water you need depends on the individual and is affected by your size, amount of exercise, and the weather. The hotter the weather and the more you sweat, you need more water. Keep in mind that although you can satisfy most of your fluid needs with water and the beverages you drink, you also get some fluids through foods you eat, such as broths and foods with high water content like melons. 

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that “women who appear to be adequately hydrated consume an average of approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of total water -- from all beverages and foods -- each day, and men average approximately 3.7 liters (125 ounces) daily.”[4] 


If you aren’t getting enough water, here are some tips to boost your intake:

  • Establish a goal each day. You can fill a pitcher with water and make sure to finish it before the end of the day, for example.
  • Add fruit to your water to give it more flavor. Oranges, lemons, watermelon, and strawberries are popular options.
  • Buy a smart water bottle to connect to your smartphone that records how much you drink.
  • Drink sparkling or mineral water as options for tap water
  • Eat foods rich in water
  • Consider adding herbal teas to your diet.





[1] “Taking Charge: Consumers Grabbing Hold of Their Health and Wellness Drives $450-Billion Opportunity,” IRI, accessed July 6, 2020.
[2]  Jank, Alyssa, “CBD and Self-Care,” Brightfield Group, accessed July 6, 2020
[3] “Water & Nutrition,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed July 6, 2020.
[4] “Report Sets Dietary Intake Level for Water, Salt and Potassium To Maintain Health and Reduce Chronic Disease Risk,” The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, February 11, 2004.
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