Valentines is soon upon us, and it's a great time for Gift Certificate Promotions and Couples Massage specials. This year, I choose Valentines to launch a yearlong campaign that matches my own journey - self-discovery. My "You deserve it" campaign includes posting daily quotes, tasting bars, and incentives to explore ways to enjoy your own company. These are events that are as much a benefit to me as to my clients.


As my clients and I discover more of what we love, we also find what we have in common. I can fine-tune my services to serve their needs and add to the enjoyment of my day.


Chocolate bar - I gather various types of chocolate, including mint, milk, Mexican (cinnamon). Also, I have an offering of chocolate dipped fruit like pomegranate/cranberry seeds, mandarin orange, etc. I invite people to try them and pick their favorite. Based on their choices, I offer a customized body wrap special. The body wrap uses Biotone's Cocoa-Comfort Massage Balm, and Lotion customized with essential oils and spa complexes.


Favorite Chocolate bar - Wrap Customization to 2 oz of Cocoa-Comfort Massage Balm


Mint - 8 drops of peppermint


Milk - 20 drops of Milk & Honey Complex


Mexican - 5 drops of cinnamon and 20 drops of Milk & Honey Complex


Pomegranate / Cranberry - 20 drops of Pomegranate & Cranberry complex


Mandarin - 20 drops of Mango and Mandarin

Interactive sensory experiences are a joyful way to connect with your clients or potential clients and one of my favorite things. I love it!

Treatment ideas