man smiling showing a picture of himself smiling


While it’s not a cure-all for everything, research continues to indicate that Cannabidiol (CBD) can help in the treatment of an array of health and wellness issues. To understand why, you first need to know exactly what is CBD.  


Specifically, CBD is one of the over 60 cannabinoids or naturally-occurring chemicals found in industrial hemp and marijuana that interact with the body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS) to achieve homeostasis, which is the body’s efforts to maintain stable functionality and operate optimally regardless of any changes in its environment. The ECS is made up of endocannabinoids or neurotransmitters that send chemical messages between neurons, which are the cells that transmit nerve impulses.  By interacting with the ECS, CBD can affect mood, appetite, pain response, inflammation, immunity, sleep and other conditions.


All CBD products contain CBD oil, which is what is added to the range of CBD offerings, from topicals to tinctures, capsules and gummies. Before any products are made, CBD needs to be extracted from the hemp plant. CBD oil consists of the CBD that has been extracted from industrial hemp, then diluted with a carrier oil, of which hemp seed oil, MCT oil, and coconut oil are typical, to make it easier to consume and absorb.


How CBD impacts mood

While it’s common for your mood to fluctuate throughout the day; when anxiety, stress and depression become extreme or chronic, they impact your ability to function. The benefit of CBD for anxiety and other mood disorders is attributed to several of its qualities, including its impact on relieving pain and aiding sleep, both of which can contribute to changes in mood. Relative to pain relief, once CBD connects with the body’s cannabinoid receptors (CB-2 receptors), it has a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.  Regarding CBD for sleep, some research indicates that it may interact with specific receptors in the endocannabinoid system to potentially affect the sleep/wake cycle.[1] 


Other ways that CBD may help control mood include:


Fights inflammation: Neuroinflammation has been linked with neuropsychiatric and mood disorders. Research on animal models suggests a connection between CBD oil and inflammation. “...the cannabinoid seems to be able to interact with the immune system, reduce inflammation and reduce pain from a number of conditions.”[2]


Affects serotonin: Low serotonin levels are likely connected to depression. CBD doesn’t necessarily boost serotonin levels, but it may affect how your brain’s chemical receptors respond to the serotonin that’s already in your system.[3]


Supports hippocampal neurogenesis:  The hippocampus is responsible for processing emotional responses as well as long-term memory. ‘Some scientists believe that hippocampal neurogenesis, the growth of new neurons in the brain’s hippocampus, helps to moderate mood disorders. Research demonstrates that CBD causes hippocampal neurogenesis in animals, and it is thought to have the same effect in humans.” [4]


Protects brain health: Insufficient oxygenation often results in damage or death of brain cells. Some evidence suggests that CBD can act as a preventative, preserving brain cells.[5]


Does CBD have side effects

A review of CBD from 2011 found that chronic use and high doses up to 1,500 mg/day of CBD are reportedly well tolerated in humans.[6] But even though it’s well tolerated, CBD oil side effects could include dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. CBD also can interact with other medications, such as blood thinners.[7] You’ll want to talk to your doctor about taking CBD relative to other medications you are taking.

When evaluating retail CBD offerings online or in-store, whether it’s at a grocery, foodservice or drug store, or if you are shopping your CBD store, be sure that you know exactly what’s in the product. A Certificate of Analysis, or COA, is a document issued by an accredited laboratory that includes a full composition of a product. A CBD Certificate of Analysis should include a total list of cannabinoids, microbiological levels, terpenes (aromatic plant compounds found in high concentrations in the cannabis plant), and possible contaminants such as pesticides, solvent residue or heavy metals.[8]

Lab+Blends CBD products you’ll want to consider to help you sleep and for a complete sense of well-being and overall balance are CBD Dream Drops Tincture and CBD Total Wellness Drops with hempseed oil.  Pain relief products include CBD Pain Relief Lotion, Cream and Gel. Find out more about these products at




[1] “CBD for Sleep and Insomnia,” American Sleep Association,” accessed October 7, 2020.
[2] “CBD Oil for Inflammation,” Weedmaps, accessed October 7, 2020.
[3] Holland, Kimberly, “How to Try CBD for Depression,” Healthline, July 29, 2019.
[4] “How Does CBD Oil Improve Mood?” Best CBD Oils, accessed October 7, 2020.
[5] Ibid
[6] Bergamaschi MM, Queiroz RH, Zuardi AW, Crippa JA. Safety and side effects of cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent. Curr Drug Saf. 2011 Sep 1;6(4):237-49. doi: 10.2174/157488611798280924. PMID: 22129319.
[7] Bauer, Brent A., MD, “What are the benefits of CBD and is it safe to use?”, Mayo Clinic, accessed September 22, 2020.
[8] Alphagreen Team, “The Complete Guide to CBD (Certificate of Analysis),” November 18, 2019.