It is common early in the New Year for spas to feature detoxification treatments. Such protocols are essential for clients who are making lifestyle changes. I'm a big advocate of these protocols. They support my belief that we are an important resource for our clients' health and wellness, which means providing treatments that rejuvenate and renew.


A simple dry brush technique applied right before a massage is a simple yet highly effective detoxification service. Add a couple of drops of a detox complex onto the bristles and brush the body in long strokes toward the heart. The treatment stimulates the circulatory system and aids the elimination of dead skin cells. Hot oil detox hand and feet treatments also easily add value to your sessions.


Include a detox complex as a massage aromatherapy component. Cocoon the aromatherapy mixture with a body wrap to improve the absorption rate and deliver a very relaxing experience. And keep in mind that the most valuable detoxification treatments have traditionally come from the sea. Premier treatments consist of a sea salt glow and sea mud wrap combo. In all cases, make sure to continue their progress at home through retail offerings -- body brushes, custom-blended detox lotions, and sea salt glow.


Don't forget the promotion. Make sure your clients are aware you provide these additional services. Integrate detox enhancements into established services and provide packages and discounts to encourage your clients to try them. Seize the opportunity to co-marketing with other wellness providers, such as health food stores, gyms, and life enrichment centers.


Go beyond providing services. Become a proficient health and wellness resource. You'll find it a rewarding journey on many levels.

Spa therapy