Looking to heal clients’ skin? Reach for pomegranate

You could write a book about the pomegranate and its rich history and role in many cultures and traditions.  Ancient writings describe the berry as sacred fruit, providing fertility, abundance, and luck.[1] In China, for example, the pomegranate's chief significance has been as a symbol of fertility. An ancient Egyptian proverb advises, “Eat a pomegranate and visit a bath; your youth will haste back.”

The Pomegranate also played an important role in ancient Greece mythology. Hades kidnapped Persephone to be his bride in the underworld. Her mother Demeter, goddess of the harvest and agriculture, refused to let the earth bear fruit until Persephone returned. Zeus, king of the gods, agreed to let Persephone return to earth but only for part of the year because she had tasted a handful of pomegranate seeds, the food of Hades. Persephone’s return to earth each spring was a time of growth for plants and crops. However, when she returned to the underworld in winter, the soil became unfertile and plants died. [2]

Skin Benefits

The delightful pomegranate berry is extremely rich in Vitamin C to help the skin heal and maintain its elasticity.  It also contains ellagic acid, which is a natural antioxidant that fights the free radicals that damage and age skin.

The juice and peel of pomegranate contain catechins, a type of highly active antioxidant that can prevent degradation of connective skin tissue and help stimulate collagen synthesis to firm up the skin.  The seed oil of pomegranates contains punicic acid, a kind of fatty acid, that helps lock moisture in the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. And the punicic acid and trace amounts of oleic acid in the seed oil hydrate and repair the skin. [3]


Treat clients to the benefits of pomegranate

Pamper your clients with a luxuriously rich foot treatment containing decadent aromas of fresh picked raspberries and made with a blend of skin-loving moisturizers and nature’s gentle buffers. Follow with a deeply hydrating, mineral rich rose mud from the Provence region of France. Then massage to rejuvenate feet with a quenching, lightweight formula of sweet, scented Pomegranate & Cranberry Hydrating Massage Lotion


  • Berry Buff Sugar Body Polish .................................. 1/2 oz
  • European Rose Mud ...................................................1 oz
  • Pomegranate & Cranberry Hydrating Massage Lotion ..... 1/2 oz



  • 3 Rubber Spa Bowls
  • 4 hot, moist hand towels
  • Plastic wrap


  1. Smooth Berry Buff Sugar Body Polish over the entire right foot. Apply in small circular movements - paying special attention to rough/callused areas. Repeat on the left


  1. Remove the Berry Buff Sugar Body Polish with a hot, moist towel.
  2. Warm European Rose Body Mud prior to application.
  3. Apply the European Rose Body Mud to the entire right foot using small circular movements, repeat on left foot.
  4. Cover both feet with plastic wrap and a bath sheet. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Remove European Rose Mud with a hot, moist towel.
  6. Complete the treatment with a quick foot/lower leg massage using Pomegranate & Cranberry Hydrating Massage Lotion.


[1] “Pomegranate,” National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health,” Accessed June 3, 2022. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/pomegranate

[2] Witte, Rachel, “Persephone and the Pomegranate: Art in Ancient Greece,” Daily Art, September 24, 2018. https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/art-in-ancient-greece/

[3] “9 Amazing Beauty Benefits of Pomegranate for Your Skin,” Cure Joy, January 18, 2017. https://curejoy.com/content/benefits-of-pomegranate-for-skin/