It’s Time To Think About Holiday Gift Cards Giving

Now that Halloween candy is beginning to line supermarket shelves, you know that the holiday season is getting off the ground. Many of your clients may already be thinking about gift giving, and gift cards continue to be a popular item. Gift card sales are expected to growth from $379 billion in 2020 to over $500 billion by 2025. Most shoppers buy gift cards for family members, at 73 percent, followed by friends at 49 percent and extended family members at 37 percent. They also purchase them for colleagues at 18 percent.[1]

 Beyond the purchase, there’s an additional benefit to gift cards. Nearly 60 percent of gift card recipients spend more than the value of the cards.[2] You not only make the sale; you benefit from additional sales on redemption.


Offer A Range of Card Options

Gift card sales should offer a range of options with different price points sales. You can offer massage gift cards for an hour, 45 minutes, etc. at price points that match to the time. Any type of gift card can include a massage and a wrap or exfoliation.  Offering gift cards for retail items helps attract prospects into your spa or massage practice.

Consumers like choice. To make cards even more appealing, offer different designs. Whatever designs you choose, build them around your brand’s color and graphics to reinforce your identity.


Maximize Merchandising and Sales

Card should be visible everywhere: Display gift cards throughout your spa or massage practice. Include signage in the windows or changing rooms.

Get the entire staff involved: Give a weekly prize to the employee who sells the most gift cards that week. Or track sales over time and at the end of the year; give a larger prize or bonus to a team member with the most holiday season sales. 

Offer gift boxes: Package gift cards in boxes to make them ready to deliver in person or mail.

Offer them online: Cards should be available for online purchase with a message on your home page directing visitors to purchase.


Market Cards for Maximum Exposure

  • Start marketing to current clients, making sure everyone is aware of your gift cards.
  • Include information about your gift card in your newsletter, if you have one, with a link to order through your website. Provide information about purchasing on site or over the phone.
  • Create a special email campaign to promote your cards to clients and prospects.
  • Explore co-marketing with health providers, health clubs and gyms.
  • If you sell retail products online, offer customers an opportunity to add a gift card to their purchase.

Gift cards make holiday shopping easy. They also introduce the recipient to a service they might not have tried otherwise or a new retail option. You benefit from the sale and the opportunity to get in front of potential clients.


[1] Haley, “Gift Card Statistics 2020,” Mageplaza, January 13, 2021.
[2] Gift Card Statistics 2020