Ergonomics, Body Mechanics and Working Smart

Ergonomics, Body Mechanics and Working Smart

Simple changes can result in more efficient massage applications. Learn how to avoid postures and over use of the hands and fingers while providing a massage session. 
Get Clients to Rebook: Simple Strategies to Fill Your Practice

Get Clients to Rebook: Simple Strategies to Fill Your Practice

The success of any massage professional or business depends on building strong relationships and repeat visits with their clients.

Create an Intention-based Healing Space using Conscious Colors with Constance Hart

Create an Intention-based Healing Space using Conscious Colors with Constance Hart

Color Therapy is an ancient wisdom that can help you create a more intentional workspace because colors affect us emotionally. Constance will share tips on choosing colors consciously...
Utilizing Color Aroma Therapy to Support Holistic Wellness with Constance Hart

Utilizing Color Aroma Therapy to Support Holistic Wellness with Constance Hart

Colors influence the way we feel, and aromas influence what we remember. Learn how Color Aroma™ combines color therapy moods with therapeutic aromatherapy for long-lasting wellness. Constance will introduce you to the benefits of an easy-to-use Color Aroma™ selection system to help you expertly support your clients’ overall wellbeing.
How to Unravel Foot Pain using Structural Reflexology Techniques

How to Unravel Foot Pain using Structural Reflexology Techniques

Feet are a microcosm of the body. Learn what they reveal about body imbalances and how to assess foot structure, alignment, joint and muscle tension using easy, effective reflexology, massage and gentle traction techniques to return feet to comfort and function, while relieving symptoms in other parts of the body.
Holistic Aromatherapy for Stress & Energy

Holistic Aromatherapy for Stress & Energy

Jenn discusses various essential oils that you can employ for mind & body health. She shares how Aromatherapy, especially when custom blended appropriately, can promote positive thinking, motivation, overcome stressful emotions and enahnce energy. 
Prenatal Massage - Why Specialized Training Matters

Prenatal Massage - Why Specialized Training Matters

Let's listen and learn as Judy shares her knowledge on how Prenatal massage, done properly, is far more than performing a standard massage from a side-laying position. The physiological changes during pregnancy of each system of the body create necessary modifications to many aspects of massage. Additionally, Judy shares some of the changes and modifications.
Integrated Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain, Hip Pain, and Sciatica

Integrated Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain, Hip Pain, and Sciatica

James Waslaski's presentation addresses the clinical approach to the assessment and treatment of the lumbar spine, hip and pelvis.  Conditions addressed will be low back pain, SI joint dysfunction, iliosacral torsions, lumbar compression, bulging disc pain and ruptured discs.
The Art of Clinical Decision-Making

The Art of Clinical Decision-Making

Every massage therapy session is a series of countless decisions. By what criteria do we make these choices? Do we practice by design, or by default? Much more than a technique or a modality, Precision Neuromuscular Therapy is centered on reflective practice and clinical problem-solving. Explore how this approach can deepen your appreciation for the power and promise of massage therapy.
Total Body Screening Examination

Total Body Screening Examination

Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio reminds us how important it is to screen the client to help decide where to treat. Dr. Kerry uses a case study of an injured neck to review how to use a Total Body Screening Examination in 5 minutes to help decide if you should take a local or total body approach to treatment.
Medical Massage, the What, Why and How

Medical Massage, the What, Why and How

What is Medical Massage in a nutshell? Learn systemic effects of injury and techniques to help reduce, even correct, the symptoms. Understand the importance of pre-existing contraindications and how medical massage assists your clients to health and recovery.
Indigenous Healing Tradition Benefits

Indigenous Healing Tradition Benefits

Let's listen and learn as Kelli shares how learning and integrating Indigenous healing traditions can benefit your practice. Learn respectful and culturally sensitive ways to enhance wellness thru wisdom of native cultures, benefiting you, your clients and community, plus, the personal and professional rewards.