Stress Reduction for the Lymphatic System with Kathleen Lisson

Our nervous and lymphatic systems are connected - the sympathetic ‘fight or flight’ nervous system innervates the peripheral lymphatic system and the larger lymphatic system in the gut. Listen and Learn as Kathleen reviews mind-body practices that may reduce the negative effects of chronic stress on the lymphatic system.

Kathleen Lisson is a board certified MT and Lymphedema Therapist focusing on helping clients after plastic/oncoplastic surgery. She’s presented for American Venous & Lymphatic Society, Lymphedema Seminars, National Lymphedema Network and Society for Oncology Massage, plus, authored Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook, Lipedema Treatment Guide and Stress Reduction for Lymphedema. She’s an NCBTMB approved CE Provider and taught at IPSB Massage College in CA.