Attract Affluent + Appreciative Clients while Giving Back to your Community by Irene Diamond

We all want clients happy to pay because we've helped them relieve/achieve results. Listen and learn as Irene shares her success strategy for Attracting Affluent + Appreciative Clients. She'll discuss how to attract affluent clients, how to recognize mutual "best fit clients", how to build confidence by "speaking their language" and how to combine a financially solid business model, while giving back to your community.

Irene Diamond, is a developer of Active Myofascial Therapy/The Diamond Method, an "inside Out" approach providing effective results. She's an educator, private coach/mentor at her Dream Practice Mastery Academy, a resource for Clinical Excellence and Business Brilliance. She's a 2013 inductee into the massage Therapy Hall of Fame, and a "Pain Reliever & Mover Improver" who established in San Francisco 1st Pail Relief & Wellness Center in 1995.