It's Time To Take A Good Look At Your Business

2010 has finally arrived and if you're like other therapists you're not sad 2009 has come and gone. Last year was tough for many of us. Good planning and determination are more important than ever to ensure that 2010 isn't the same...
Massage therapy

Rewards of Retail

When it comes to selling retail, the question is no longer "if" but "when." That's certainly my impression from talking to BIOTONE customers coast to coast. Some spas are citing as much as 40 percent of their revenue now come from retail sales...
RetailSpa therapy

Kick Off Your 2010 Marketing with Aromatherapy

People probably won't remember what you said. They might remember what you did, but they will always remember how they felt when they were with you...
Spa therapy

Join the Conversation

Did you ever play operator with a group of your friends? You know the game where one person says something then whispers it to the next person and so on and so on down the line. Ultimately it's up to the last person in line to broadcast...
AnnouncementsCommunityMassage therapySpa therapy