People probably won't remember what you said. They might remember what you did, but they will always remember how they felt when they were with you.

That message is something to keep in mind as you plan your marketing activities for 2010. Personally, my goal is to define, cultivate and refine my clients' experience. To accomplish this, I will be implementing strategies that enhance the value of my services and nurture my clients' senses.

Did you know, for example, that scent is a memory trigger? It is and so I challenge you to walk into your treatment room, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Smell OK to you? Is this the memory you want clients to take away with them? If not then it's time to pull out the aromatherapy. The easiest option is aroma room mists. For pennies per use, you can have instant aromatherapy. Spray the room, the reception area, and even your linens. And you can easily change the mood by changing the selection.

Throughout January, I'm using BIOTONE's Inspiration 100% pure essential oils of Orange, Tangerine and Patchouli. It is very popular with my clients. Furthermore, by enhancing client sessions with custom touches, I become more than a service provider -- I become a vital member of my clients' wellness support system.

It is also important to me that clients are able to extend the benefits of my treatments in their daily lives. That's why I am a strong believer in retail so that clients can take home the experience they had with me. I'm promoting the room sprays for home use this month. Just think, every time clients use the aroma room mists to enhance their own spaces, they make a mental connection back to my treatment room. Good feelings strengthen connections and increase client retention.

So now is the time to decide how you want your clients to feel when they are with you. A little serenity anyone?

Spa therapy