woman receiving back massage


Even if things are going well at your spa or massage practice, ask yourself, “How do I grow?” Every business eventually faces challenges from new competitors, clients moving on, and changes in market needs. Your business needs to keep growing to handle these changes.

Before taking these or other steps, decide where you want to be. Be thorough in clarifying your goal so that you have a clear vision of success.  Share your plan with your team so that you get buy-in from everyone involved since their help and support will be necessary to move to the next level.

Once you determine your goals, assess your current situation in terms of offerings, competitive advantage, marketing program, etc., to create your action plan. As you move to the next level, you’ll need to focus on changing or improving some areas more than others.

Check-in with clients. Whether you formally survey them for ideas on what new services to offer and what they like best about your spa or massage practice, clients can provide a wealth of information about what to do to grow. Learn how to take action today!


Re-evaluate your brand

Everything about your spa or massage practice goes into your brand, which embodies your values and offerings. Your brand is reflected in your messaging, logo, colors, and graphics of your marketing materials and signage on retail products. Even the professional products you use for massage or skin treatments say something about your brand. Most importantly, a powerful brand touches every interaction you have with clients, including when they call or walk through the door, receive treatments, visit your website and follow your social media posts.

Your brand is key to the emotional connection you have with clients. This connection not only leads to long-term client relationships but also encourages client advocacy.   Clients who value your brand are key to word-of-mouth marketing, which is a major driver of new business for small business owners.

As you embark on a recent growth period, evaluate your brand and its elements and decide if it reflects where your business is today and where you want to take it.

Update treatments

CBD derived from industrial hemp impacts massage and spa treatments because of its pain-relieving and skin healing properties. Essential oils, of which there are many, enhance healing and also lift the mind and spirit.

Offer add-on services

Add-on services offer more value to clients and grow your revenue. Suggest a foot massage along with a client’s regular massage for pain management. As the weather turns warmer, enhance a seasonal scrub with a wrap to smooth and heal winter-damaged skin. Package a retail product with an add-on service. Offer an aromatherapy body butter or lotion for use at home after an aromatherapy massage.

Boost online reviews

Online reviews are one of the best ways to find out how clients rate your services, customer service, and more. In addition to Yelp, there are several other online review sites where you may want to list your spa or massage practice. Don’t be shy asking clients to give your business a review. But make sure to monitor reviews to identify any negative issues in your spa or massage practice that need correcting.

Rethink retail

Retail sales can add to your bottom line, ranging from five to 30 percent of your revenue. [1]  Even before COVID-19 imposed restrictions on retail shopping, brick-and-mortar retail was in the process of a transformation due to the convenience and customization offered by shopping online. Since customers expect an integrated, seamless, and more personal retail experience, some retailers enable mobile ordering and in-store pickup. Other retailers offer same-day delivery of products purchased in-store. That’s why you’ll want to revisit your retail sales strategy to maximize the opportunity provided by in-store and online sales.

Reorganize where it’s needed

Even if you don’t need to add staff, you may need to reorganize your team, assigning new responsibilities to each member to make transitions seamless.  If you are adding new services, you may need to provide training for staff members.  Expanding marketing may require engaging with outside service providers.

It’s not only your team that may need to be reorganized. You also may need to change processes. For example, growing your business may require more e-commerce options for clients to purchase retail products online. If you don’t provide online scheduling, now may be a good time to consider enabling clients to book their visits themselves online. Text messaging appointment reminders may be another way to ensure clients show up and alert them about treatment specials and retail sales.

Growing your business doesn’t necessarily mean re-inventing everything, but to get ahead, you’ll need to be honest in assessing your current situation and committed to making the needed changes.

[1] Schweder, Ingo, and Stadnyk, Krystyna, Horwath HTL, “Spa Profitability Handbook,” January 2020. https://www.globalwellnesssummit.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/INDUSTRY_REPORT_SPA-PROFITABILITY.pdf
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