The Season for Giving

The Season for Giving

The Season for Giving is well under way. You may have noticed all those Black Friday and Cyber Monday opportunities in your inbox! Many massage businesses miss out on the holiday shopping craze, when they should be cashing in. It is a shame because there is no better time to encourage clients to refer their friends, family and workmates...
Business & marketingRetail
Old habits die hard and that’s a good thing

Old habits die hard and that’s a good thing

I happened to catch one of episodes of Frasier the other night. That’s not hard to do considering how much they rerun the old sitcoms. Frasier was always a favorite of mine because the characters were kooky and the writing was very clever. This particular episode was one the earliest about Frasier’s dad moving into his apartment and bringing his chair along, as well as his dog Eddie. The old unattractive chair was a real fixture in the series and a thorn in Frasier’s side for the entire run of the show’s 11 years...
Business & marketingCommunity
The Benefits of Blogging

The Benefits of Blogging

If you’ve been a reader of our InTouch blog for some time, you may be asking yourself “is blogging something I should do.” After all, what better way to share your knowledge and experience with your customers and get feedback than blogging? If you’ve been on the fence about starting your own blog, here are some good reasons why you might want to take the leap...
Business & marketingCommunity
Is Product Overuse Costing you Money?

Is Product Overuse Costing you Money?

One of the more overlooked areas for cutting costs is product usage. Profitable product usage is not about buying the least expensive products. It involves three things:

  • Avoid waste by monitoring usage and pre measuring products
  • Research and compare the cost effectiveness of products
  • Evaluate how much product is needed for each client based on the service

Business & marketing
Dance With the One That Brought You

Dance With the One That Brought You

September may seem a little early to be thinking about Thanksgiving, unless you are a retailer or you are going to use it as an opportunity to “dance with the ones that brought you”... In other words, to show appreciation to those who have provided support and patronage. I know that a lot of business use Christmas for this purpose. But I asked myself a long time ago why should I present my tribute to people at a time when it will end up competing with their insurance agents, hairdressers etc. It has always made the most sense to me to use the holiday that we all celebrate, to express what that holiday is all about...
Business & marketingRetail
Take your Marketing Online as we head into the Holiday Season

Take your Marketing Online as we head into the Holiday Season

In about a month the holidays will be upon on. Not literally, of course, but from a marketing standpoint, they will. As soon as the Halloween candy begins to appear on store shelves, promotions for Thanksgiving and Christmas soon will follow. So it’s definitely not too early to think about what you can do to boost your visibility during this period...
Business & marketingCommunity
Return on Investment Sessions

Return on Investment Sessions

Here are three current consumer trends that should be foremost in your business building radar:
  • Clients in the current economic climate are more interested than ever in value.
  • Baby boomers are not only planning on not dying, they want to look and feel good not doing it.
  • People prefer treatments that are an investment in prevention and health.

Business & marketingMassage therapy
When Less Is More. How To Tactfully Say Goodbye To A Client

When Less Is More. How To Tactfully Say Goodbye To A Client

In an ideal world, every client values your service, praises your skills, shows up on time and pays promptly. But we don’t live in an ideal world, and there always will be clients who either test your patience or diplomatic skills. You know those clients. They are the ones you dread because they complain too much, are always late and even worse don’t pay at the end of the session. How many times have you heard, “I must have left my checkbook or credit card at home?” With these clients, the chemistry is just off.
Business & marketingMassage therapy
Focus on the Positive, Eliminate the Negative and Watch your Business Grow

Focus on the Positive, Eliminate the Negative and Watch your Business Grow

“You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative and don't mess with mister in-between.”That song may not be familiar to all of you, but this old song is a favorite of mine because that’s how I view running my business. In fact, most successful business owners I’ve met share this view. Running your business is not a 9 to 5 commitment...
Business & marketing
Your Personal Brand is Your Promise to the World

Your Personal Brand is Your Promise to the World

Do you like Coca Cola or Pepsi? Are you a Mac user or do you have a Dell PC? Do you prefer Holiday Inn to Marriott? Every day we make decisions about the products and services that we incorporate into our lives. A large part of that decision making has to do with our personal connection to the offering...
Business & marketing
The Importance of the Soft Touch in Your Business

The Importance of the Soft Touch in Your Business

As I've said many times even in this blog, I really enjoy attending the industry trade shows. Apart from the obvious goal to showcase our products, trade shows provide me with a great opportunity to talk to you about your business, your concerns and how you see the market evolving...
Business & marketing
Fine Tuning: To Make Small Adjustments for Optimal Performance or Effectiveness

Fine Tuning: To Make Small Adjustments for Optimal Performance or Effectiveness

I just got back from my week long training with Eric Dalton in Costa Rica and all I can say is wow! I am so glad I got the chance to study with this genius. I already utilized joint mobilization as a tool in my treatment room. Now I know that I was only playing with it. After his class I see so many more applications and my effectiveness have already showed marked improvement. Expanding my knowledge base has once again helped me to fine tune my skills...
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy