Massage Therapist holding pumpkin and pumpkin oil for treatment

In some areas of the country, the weather is still warm, so the first day of Fall didn’t have much more significance than another day on the calendar. But nevertheless, it’s official. The Fall season is here. For many of your massage therapy clients, a Fall massage, in addition to aiding relaxation and/or relieving pain, can contribute to their overall good health.

In particular, COVID aside, this is the time of year for colds and the flu. A massage can not only aid relaxation and ease muscle and joint pain, but research indicates that it can boost immunity.  The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) has cited research in which participants in a Swedish massage group experienced significant changes in lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are one of three subtypes of white blood cells in the immune system that play a large role in defending the body from disease.  Another study found women with stage 1 and 2 breast cancer may have benefitted form massage by increasing natural killer cells and lymphocytes.[1]

Time to refresh skin

Clients also will be looking for menu treatments that refresh the skin after the drying effects of summer. Any treatment protocol can be enhanced with ingredients that have skin rejuvenating and therapeutic effects. Increasingly clients are looking for natural ingredients in treatments and for at-home use. Here are several natural ingredients that fit the bill:

Fall is harvest time and probably one of the first fruits that comes to mind is the pumpkin. Pumpkin is a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants, including Vitamins C, E and A as well as potassium, alpha-carotene, zinc, beta-carotene and lutein, a carotenoid. Pumpkin and pumpkin extracts can be used in a variety of treatments to help nourish tired or dry skin.


Another seasonal delight, which is equally good for the skin, are cranberries. They help to rejuvenate the skin and are a great source of antioxidants, which fight free radicals that cause skin damage and aging. Cranberry essential oil makes a wonderful natural moisturizer because it contains the omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids. The body not only needs these fatty acids, they help prevent skin irritations and other skin related complications. Cranberry essential oil also is rich in Oleic Acid, which helps to fade wrinkles and fine lines, revitalize the skin and improve skin tone and elasticity, and Vitamin E which guards against injury to skin cells.


And don’t overlook the pomegranate. This delightful berry owes its popularity to its many skin healing and regenerating properties. The pomegranate is extremely rich in Vitamin C to help the skin heal and maintain its elasticity, and in ellagic acid -- a natural antioxidant that fights the free radicals that damage and age skin. 

You’ll want to review your menu and either add some new treatments or enhance current ones with some of these skin rejuvenating and hydrating natural ingredients to meet your clients’ needs to feel and look better.


[1] “Massage Therapy May Boost Immune System to Combat Cold, Flu,” American Massage Therapy Association, November 4, 215.
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