Add-ons Can Add Up to More Business

In these inflationary times, you may feel the need to raise your prices. However, increasing fees is a double-edged sword. You add revenue, but budget sensitive clients looking for ways to maximize discretionary spending may cut back or worse yet cut out regularly scheduled treatments.

To avoid the risk that comes with raising prices and boost your revenue stream think about offering more add-on services. An add-on service can extend the duration of a treatment session anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes for an incremental fee, which has the added benefit of helping to fill vacant time on the calendar. Add-on treatments also enhance the value of your services, further strengthening client relationships. They provide an opportunity to upsell product offerings as well.

Offer popular add-on treatments

Do not offer too many suggestions for add-ons since too many can confuse the client. Make sure the add-on is something that will benefit your client. The additional expense needs to have incremental value to a client for them to consider spending the money.  Talking with your client first about their issues and what might enhance the service can help you decide what add-on to offer. Here are proven, popular add-on treatments:

Aromatherapy massage: Aromatherapy massage with the addition of one or more essential oils addresses a client’s specific needs.  Clients can choose from energizing, stress-reducing, relaxing, or balancing aromatherapy treatments.


Foot scrub: Foot scrubs might be just what clients need if they have been on their feet all day. After massaging the feet to help release tension, offer a scrub. A foot scrub will smooth and soften rough, dry, and overworked feet and enable moisturizers to penetrate deeper.


Head massage: Head massage is rejuvenating and relaxing, designed to stimulate the nerves and blood beneath the scalp. A head massage calms muscle tension around the head. Head massages also may encourage hair growth. According to a small 2016 study, researchers concluded that regular scalp massages may lead to thicker hair.[1]


CBD Massage: CBD topical products work their way deep into the tissues and so are being used for musculoskeletal and joint pain relief. Treatments using CBD have been shown to relieve symptoms of arthritis, neurological disorders, broken bones, and overworked muscles.

Clients who seek massage to help lower anxiety also can benefit from the CBD-infused massage treatments.

Think outside the box

  • Offer an add-on that is tied to something the client is doing. For example, if you know your client has signed up for a local walk or run to support a charity, recommend a foot massage as an add-on service.
  • Suggest aromatherapy massage with oil blends that are representative of the seasons, such as lemongrass for the summer or cinnamon around the holidays.
  • Package your massage treatment with retail products, so that clients have something to take home and use in-between treatments.
  • Say thanks with an add-on treatment for long-standing clients, birthdays or anniversaries, and clients who refer friends and family members.


Add-on treatments make it easy to boost your business.


[1] Koyama T, Kobayashi K, Hama T, Murakami K, Ogawa R. Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous Tissue. Eplasty. 2016 Jan 25;16:e8. PMID: 26904154; PMCID: PMC4740347.