When it comes to singing your praises, ask your spa and massage practice clients to hit  the right notes


No one will fault you for touting the services of your spa or massage practice. In fact, clients want to do business with people who feel very positive about what they have to offer. Yet, nothing is a powerful as someone else singing your praises. That’s why customer testimonials are worth their weight in gold when it comes to marketing and promoting your business. Testimonials give potential clients the confidence that it’s well worth their while to do business with you. And even current clients like to know that they are among good company with other satisfied customers.


The Marketing Donut recommends several ways to secure customer testimonials in “Ten ways to get the most out of customer testimonials." There’s nothing wrong with just coming out and asking your clients for feedback. You need to explain that you’d like to use the comments for your marketing materials, and you can specifically ask them for their comments on one of your services if that’s what you need. For example, if you promote your aromatherapy massage, ask one of your clients for their thoughts about the treatment.


The Marketing Donut also suggests you think about the type of testimonial you need. Maybe you are thinking of starting a YouTube channel for some of your massage therapies and want to include customer testimonials. Or you may want quotes for an advertisement or direct or email marketing piece. Whatever you use, show the client the finished piece and get their approval in writing, ideally. If you plan to use the quote in various marketing materials, make that clear to your client and get approval for all uses.


Other Ways to use testimonials


Include a few client testimonials on your website alongside specific skin treatments or massage therapy.


Social media posts

Add a client quoted in a post talking about a service or at-home product.



Create a webinar that includes clients talking about how your product or services helped them. You can conduct the webinar as an interview or have several customers participate in a panel.



Pitch your client to an editor who is doing a piece on a massage or new skincare treatments. Interested editors then will want to interview with your client.



Feature a client case study in one of your newsletters. Describe the client's problem, discuss the selected treatment you used, and indicate the results achieved.


Testimonials from happy clients boost your marketing. Please don’t be shy about asking for them. Most clients will be pleased to help.


Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy