Thank employees for a job well done. They won’t forget it.


Do you want your team to make more of an effort? Try saying “thanks.” A survey conducted by the John Templeton Foundation found that 81 percent of Americans would work harder if their boss said thank you.  You may think that a fair paycheck is your way of saying thanks. Still, employees also need to feel appreciated, and money, even a bonus, doesn’t have the staying power of letting employees know you value their contribution.

Among the millennial generation, which will comprise more than one of three adult Americans by 2020 and 75 percent of the workforce by 2025, the need for praise is critical. In its report “Millenials at work: Reshaping the workplace,” PwC found that “One of the strongest millennial traits is that they welcome and expect detailed, regular feedback and praise for a job well done – 51% of those questioned said feedback should be given very frequently or continually on the job.”

Many companies are recognizing the benefits of showing appreciation beyond a good salary. In fact, some companies are getting the whole team in the act by having employees reward each other. The companies let employees choose the reward they believe a coworker would value that doesn’t involve cash.

Whatever the reason – increased retail sales, outstanding customer service that results in more bookings, or a great idea for cost-cutting – you’ll want to make an effort to reward your team members as a group or individually. Whatever the praise, be specific to help employees continue to strengthen their skills in that area. Also, show employees that they have earned your respect by seeking their input on important issues that affect your spa or massage practice. When it comes to rewards, here are some ideas you’ll want to consider that will have a lasting impact:


Time off

Everyone appreciates more time off, so reward an employee with a day off for a job well done. This will be especially appreciated if they’ve been putting in lots of hours around a holiday promotion or new marketing initiative.

Make up special trophies

Have special trophies or badges created to hand out to employees when they make the extra effort needed to a specific goal you’ve set for your spa or massage practice? Maybe someone has upsold a significant number of services or cross-sold a record-breaking amount of at-home products with treatments.

Treat an employee to a seminar or conference

If an industry seminar or conference is coming up in your area, pay for someone to attend.

Support a hobby or collection

If an employee has a special hobby or collects certain items, reward them with some tools to use or a gift in the field they collect.

Concert or movie tickets

Treat someone to a movie – and possibly include dinner – or a concert of a favorite performer.

An employee of the month

Create a wall where you post a photo of the employee of the month. Make special note of the designation in a newsletter to clients if you send one out.

Donate to a charity of their choice

 If an employee is passionate about a cause, donate in their name.

These are just some ways you can recognize and express thanks to employees. There are others. The important thing to remember is to say thanks and mean it.

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