Why you should embrace learning to grow your spa or massage practice


Are you too tired from all the demands of running your spa or massage practice to crack the books at the end of the day? Is the cost of continuing education not a fit for you your budget right now? Not enough time in your busy schedule for a class? There may be any number of reasons why you’ve put off taking continuing education classes. Still, your state licensing renewal requirements may require that you continue taking classes; and the same goes to keep professional Board Certification. Continuing education is generally a requirement for re-certification.


Beyond state or board requirements, there are many other reasons to embrace professional life-long learning. Your clients expect you to keep up with the latest information and know-how about the profession, for starters. Think about how you would feel if your doctor stopped learning about new treatments and medical procedures and new technology and applied 10 or 20-year old knowledge to treating your physical problems.


Other benefits you derive from continuing education classes:

Learning Expands Opportunities

Learning new types of massage modalities, such as aromatherapy or skin care treatments, can also help expand your business. You can market to an entirely new type of client you would like to work with and expand services to existing ones.


By taking continuing education classes, you may become a specialist within your marketplace, distinguishing yourself from the competition. Therapeutic sports massage, for example, is an area that is becoming increasingly popular and a good market opportunity.


Learning Keeps You Motivated

No matter how much you may love being a massage therapist or esthetician, there are times when you may begin to feel bored or less excited about your work. Learning new techniques and deepening your knowledge of certain modalities and skin treatments can keep you motivated.


Learning Deepens Your Thinking And Creativity

The more you learn, the more knowledge you have to draw on when new situations arise. You may not have the answer right away, but the more you know can make it easier to solve the problem. Also, as pointed out in The Secret to Creativity, Intelligence and Scientific Thinking: Being Able to Make Connections,” the more you collect ideas and information and make connections between those various ‘dots’ helps to fuel creative thinking and new ideas.


Learning Is Personally Satisfying

Some massage modalities or skin treatment techniques will be of interest simply because they appeal to you at a more personal level. By pursuing training in these areas, you grow professionals and find even more satisfaction in your work.


Today, learning is made easier by the availability of online instruction. Whether you study online or in a classroom, you’ll have many options to choose from based on your personal interests and professional goals.

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